Why Do Hamsters Chew on Cage Bars?

Chewing is a common activity in hamsters’ behavior, but if hamsters are chewing their cage bar then it could be a serious problem.

If you are confused, why do hamsters chew on cage bars? then you are in the right place.

why do hamsters chew on cage bars

In this article, I will tell you, some common reasons for hamsters chew on cage bars chewing and how to stop them from doing this.

Cool, Right…

Let’s discuss the reasons and their solutions to stop your hamster from chewing cage bars.

Why Do Hamsters Chew on Cage Bars? Region Behind It

Before you read to know the best solution to stopping your hamsters from chewing cage bars, it is necessary to know why hamsters do this.

There are some common reasons why do hamsters chew on cage bars, these are:

1. Habitual Activity: – All little rodents have a common chewing activity. To wear down their teeth, to relieve their tension, and to do much more, they often chew.

1. Boredom: – Most hamsters want to live alone. So, they need mental and physical stimulation. If in their cage, there is no toy or chew on, they feel bored and begin to chew on cage bars.

2. Stress/Anxiety: – Bad quality of bedding, imbalanced diet, and not proper taming make them ill and they feel stressed which changes into chewing activity.

3. Growing teeth: – Same as other rodents like mice, guinea pigs, and rabbits, hamsters’ teeth also continuously grow, so if they don’t wear down their teeth, it could be deadly.

4. Want some attention: – Hamsters eat the whole day, even at night. Maybe they start chewing cage bars to the attention that there is no food or water in their bowl or water bottle.

6. Want to escape: – In the wild, hamsters live with freedom, and in a cage, there are limitations. Therefore your hammy could try to chew cage bars to escape.

Therefore, these are some common problems due to which your hamster tries to chew on cage bars.

So, keep an eye on them and figure out the main problem why your hamster chew on cage bars.

Chewing Cage Bars Can Be Serious for Your Hamster

If hamsters chew cage bars continuously then it turns into a serious problem.

You need to be very careful as a pet owner if you have a little pocket friend in your home.

Sometimes chewing cage bars causes many diseases which are given below.

1. Misaligned Or Teeth Damaged: – Hamsters’ teeth are sharp and tiny if they chew metal bars, their teeth could be misaligned, or continuously chewing bars could damage their teeth.

2. Other Painful Mouth Injuries: – Maybe hamsters enjoy chewing cage bars but it creates some serious mouth injuries. Such as mouth pain, inappetence, and mouth infection.

3. Brain Damage: – When hamsters continuously chew bars, their teeth pressure is very high which affects their brain and could damage their brain.

4. Toxic: – It is most important to choose non-plastic and without painted metal cages, otherwise hamsters chew their bar, and the plastic or paint gets into their stomach which can make them seriously ill.

5. Indication of Stress and Boredom: – If their habitat is not maintained in a better manner, then hamsters feel stressed and begin to chew bars.

6. Small Habitat: – A small cage is a major problem of bar chewing. Hamsters are active rodents they like to jump, bounce, climb, and run.

If there is not enough space to do such an activity, the hamster tries to chew bars to escape there.

How to Stop Hamsters from Chew on Cage Bars?

Although, it is okay if your hamster chews, but chewing cage bars is a bad habit for your little furry friend.

So, it is your responsibility, to solve this problem and make your hamster healthy and active.

Here I give some tips that you can apply for your little buddy and I hope your buddy also enjoys them.

1. Enough Cage Size

large hamster cage

Cage size is the main reason for chewing on bars, if you have a Syrian hamster and the cage is small in size then maybe your hamster wants to escape from there.

Because Syrian hamster is greater than other hamster breeds. Therefore they need a large space to do all types of activities.

In the wild, hamsters run miles and miles and make their territory, wherever they go for searching their food.

At home, if you place two hamsters in one cage, first of all, they fight to make territory for each other.

So, you need to provide them with a large size cage.

2. Playing Toys

playing toys for hamsters

I also said above that hamsters are active rodents so, if into their cage, there is a lack of playing toys, they feel boredom and start chewing the cage bar.

There are many playing toys available in online and offline stores for hamsters.

Not even enough space, you need to put a running wheel, hang a hammock, and place a hideout.

Which your hamster uses for their exercise and running.

3. Chewing Sticks

chewing sticks for hamsters

The best solution to overcome hamsters’ chewing habit is, to give them chewing sticks.

But before buying, choose the correct chewing sticks which are specially made for little rodents.

If I suggest, you can buy apple chewing sticks, that are safe for hamsters.

With this, you can make tasty and crunchy chewing sticks at home and give a special treat to your furball.

4. Quality of Bedding

bedding for hamsters

Different types of bedding are available In the market, you can choose paper, grass, sticks, tree shavings, or whatever you want.

However, selecting the best bedding for hamsters makes them fit and healthier.

Even though, it’s good for making deep burrows and tunnels.

Along with this, you need to change bedding once a week too.

In my opinion, you should select Orchard Grass Bale for making hamster litter that provides natural comfort and hamsters can chew it too.

5. Tunnels

tunnels for hamsters

Wild hamsters make deep burrows and tunnels into bushes and surfaces. They make a nest of tunnels and join each other.

For pet hamsters, you can use an attachable hamster cage, in which you can attach tunnels and join them with another cage.

There are different types of cages available in the market, some have full tunnels made some are attachable.

You should check these:

1. Super Large Hamster (DIY 20‘’x12”x15”) Cage Habitat with Complete Tunnel Module

2. Kaytee CritterTrail Triple Play Habitat for Pet Hamsters

6. Give Your Hamster a Special Treat

You think how a special treat stops your hamster from chewing on a cage, but it is right.

A special treat can stop them from chewing cage bars and your hamster loves to enjoy their treat as much possible as.

For this, you can give them some peanuts, make some special treats from peanut butter and fruits, and give them some homemade cookies.

By doing this, your hamster is busy eating and you will be successful in stopping the hamster from chewing the cage bar.


Can Hamsters Chew on Wood?

Yes, hamsters can chew untreated wood.

Can Hamsters Chew on Popsicle Sticks?

Yes, hamsters can chew on unsharpened and unpainted popsicle sticks.

Final Words

It is true if a hamster chews on cage bars, it is very annoying for the pet owner. So, before doing anything you need to be very careful.

Because hamsters are little rodents they need extra care to tame them.

Hope, that now you will be satisfied and next time you will do all the solutions to stop your hamster from chewing cage bars.

Even now, if you have any queries or suggestions, you can comment below. I will do to do it better.

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